Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Leaving life behind?? No Way!

Life is too short and there are so many things I want to do before I go...

* Join Yoga classes - at least wanna take these classes for a month and then try and practice on my own everyday. I do it on my own sometimes... feel rejuvenated when I finish a half ahour session. Feel good. Wanna feel good more often! :)

* Join guitar classes - After the piano classes in school, haven't really been in touch with the musical side. Time to strike the chords again... Let's see how I go about this one.

* Try to cook at least one new dish every week. Don't know how long I will have the josh to do this, but really wanna try. I like to cook... I swear! Just that the hurried morning rush doesn't give me any time to experiment. So, at least on the week-end, wanna try something new. After all, "sab kuch pet ke liye hi karte hain naa?? " :-)

* Travel... To all the states in India. Ours is such a beautiful country, and I haven't really gotten down to do much traveling yet. So, putting it on the agenda. Now again, the wheels got to start rolling.

* Read a book a week... Fallen out of the habit. I can't imagine how I let this happen, but it has, and it's surprising! Got to get a membership in one of the libraries close to home and really get down to turning the pages.

* Write... seems like my life is limited to waking up in the mornings, cooking breakfast and lunch, rushing to work, returning, cook dinner, and then sleep. I have been giving myself lame excuses like lack of inspiration to write anything... but I think I have just stopped imagining!! And have started growing old!!! Got to stop this aging and release my mind from the boundaries that I've built.

* Catch up with old friends... Go back to those carefree days of laughter, and no responsibility... share a joke... spread some smiles...

Loads of things to do... a lot of it i didn't think I would need to put in extra effort for. But, seeing the way life is racing past, without a conscious effort, looks like I am just going to let things slip by... I am not letting that happen!!!